Woman Tries Sitting On Hoverboard, The Wall Behind Her Pays The Price (Video)

We sure enjoy a good hoverboard crash every now and then!

Natural selection is a mysterious beast. Centuries ago, people would fight their hardest to survive Dark Age diseases and try to live as safely as possible.  And they still died before they were 30. However, in this day and age, we have millennials abusing technology and not thinking things through and they’re expected to live at least twice as long as their Dark Ages ancestors!

This young woman decided to sit down on a hoverboard and let technology do its thing. Unsurprisingly, she rammed a hole right through a wall. Now, many could question what was going through her head when she decided to sit on a hoverboard, but a better question is would be: “What kind of wall just breaks when it gets struck with a small barely 140 pound girl on a hover board?”  This one, obviously.
