Guy Blows Off His Hand With Fireworks, Dog Retrieves It Hours Later (Video)

A 39-year-old guy in Chicago was setting off some fireworks a few days ago, and he accidentally blew off part of his hand.  Bad news for that guy!  But a few hours later, one of his neighbors let her dog out in the yard and the dog came back with the hand in his mouth!  He found it about 250 feet away from where the guy was setting off his fireworks, so it must’ve taken a hell of a blast for the hand to fly that far!

The woman called 911 and had them pick up the hand.  The doctors were able to reattach it, but they’re not sure how much function it’ll get back.  And that’s really bad news for the guy, since he works as a barber.

Probably time for a career change, champ!