This 1997 Interview With Jeff Bezos May Have Made Him Seem Bonkers, But Look Who’s Laughing Now (Video)

Back in 1997, the internet was in its infancy and people had all kinds of hope for the future.

Now we’re 21 years later here in 2018 and things are probably pretty disappointing for all those 90’s hopefuls, all except for Jeff Bezos.

In this interview back in 1997, Bezos is describing his plan and how he came to found the online store, Amazon. Yeah, bet you’ve never heard of that one!

Anyone watching this interview at the time would have thought Bezos was just some boring, weird dude with a dumb, crazy idea for an online bookstore.

Bezos said he decided on books because there are more physical items within the book category than anything else.

Then it probably sounded pretty boring or useless, why not just go to a book store and have the thing right when you want it? Well jokes on all his haters because now in 2018 he’s in the top richest people in the world and Amazon is constantly expanding.

What started with books has now developed into an empire where you can buy anything from Korean herbal beauty products to every kind of shape and size of sex toy imaginable!

So when it comes to Bezos, as goofy as he may have seemed, he’s laughing and taking his success to the bank to the tune of $230,000 a minute while we peasants continue to enjoy and depend on his once-simple idea.