Couple Thinks They’re Having A Baby Girl But Gets An April Fools Surprise When Their Son Is Born (Video)

Back in November, this loving couple found out they were pregnant with their second child, a baby girl!

Throughout the pregnancy they bought everything they needed for a little girl, made sure the nursery was full of all things pink, and even had an outfit to bring her home in that said “little sister” on it.

“I was just so excited to bring home this little girl” said new mom Amber, “(I wanted to) put head bands on her, and to have that special relationship with her I have with my mom.”

Well, Sunday, this baby pulled off the most elaborate April Fool’s prank when he came out into the world and everyone realized he was definitely not a girl!

Baby Penn, who was originally supposed to be named Cheyenne, is safe and healthy and now all that’s left to do is change literally everything back home!

SourceCBS Denver