Kansas Man Surprises McDonald’s Worker With New Car (Video)

A McDonald’s employee in Witchita, Kansas recently had her car break down and casually mentioned it to one of her regulars at the drive-thru.

This guy with a heart of gold then set out to try and find her a new car!

So Chris Ellis searched for one when he realized his son was selling a 2009 Pontiac GS and said he’d sell it at a discounted price for a good cause.

Ellis then showed up with the new car but at first the employee, Vicki Anderson, thought all the fuss meant she was getting fired but then broke down in tears.

When she hops in and fires it up, Ellis says “It even starts!” which may seem stupid at first but makes sense when you consider it’s an upgrade from her broken-down 1994 Oldsmobile Cutlass Sierra!

There are still genuinely great people in this world, make 2019 the year you join them!

Source: Kansas.com